Settlements A Settlement is created from completed Payment Requests over a specified period for each supported Asset Type for each Merchant. Settlements can only be created if the Merchant has a Settlement Config. Settlement Model Attributes Collapse all id string The unique identifier for the Settlement. status string The status of the Settlement. assetType string The Asset Type being settled. currency string The settlement currency. createdAt timestamp When the Settlement was created. createdBy crn The User or API Key that created the Settlement. settledAt timestamp The time when settlement was completed. settledBy crn The User or API Key that completed the Settlement. settlementAmount bignumber The total amount of the settlement. settlementBankAccountId string The ID of the Bank Account used for settlement. type string The type of the Settlement. test boolean Flag indicating whether the Settlement is a test resource. GET /api/merchants/{merchantId}/settlements List Settlements This endpoint allows you to list Settlements. Requestcurl -X GET \ \ -H 'x-api-key: <TOKEN>' Response{ "items": [ { "id": "89028sh9308f590260d9a07f", "status": "confirmed", "assetType": "centrapay.nzd.main", "currency": "NZD", "createdAt": "2021-11-12T01:17:46.499Z", "createdBy": "crn:WIj211vFs9cNACwBb04vQw:api-key:MyApiKey", "settledAt": "2021-11-13T11:59:59.999Z", "settledBy": "crn:WIj211vFs9cNACwBb04vQw:api-key:MyApiKey", "settlementAmount": "2500", "settlementBankAccountId": "67e0c486308f590260d9a139", "type": "centrapay", "test": false }, { "id": "9ds2cs89028sh90260d9f91h", "status": "awaiting-confirmation", "assetType": "centrapay.nzd.main", "currency": "NZD", "createdAt": "2021-11-13T01:17:46.499Z", "createdBy": "crn:WIj211vFs9cNACwBb04vQw:api-key:MyApiKey", "settlementAmount": "2200", "settlementBankAccountId": "67e0c486308f590260d9a139", "type": "centrapay", "test": false } ]}