Asset Types

The following table describes the Asset Types supported for payments.

The Category column refers to the Centrapay asset type representation if applicable. When blank, the Asset is not managed by a Centrapay Account.

Asset TypeDescriptionCategoryCurrenciesFlags
bitcoinBitcoinNZD AUD⚡️
cca.cokeCoke tokensToken  API NZD⚡️ 🧪 🚫
centrapay.nzdCentrapay NZD walletMoney  API NZD⚡️ 🧪
centrapay.tokenCentrapay tokensToken  API NZD⚡️ 🧪
epayEPay NZ giftcardsNZD⚡️ 🧪
farmlands.nzdFarmlandsMoney  API NZD⚡️ 🧪 💸 💼
paypalPayPalUSD⚡️ 🧪 💸
centrapay.ledgerCentrapay LedgersLedger  API NZD⚡️ 🧪
quartz.nzdQuartz NZD assetNZD⚡️ 🧪
venmoVenmoUSD⚡️ 🧪 💸
uplinkapiUplink API Test assetNZD🧪
stadiusStadiusNZD AUD USD CAD EUR⚡️ 🧪
payap-debitPayap Debit PassesNZD⚡️ 🧪


  • ⚡️ : Supports Live Assets — Add .main to the Asset Type e.g. centrapay.nzd.main.
  • 🧪 : Supports Test Assets — Add .test to the Asset Type e.g. centrapay.nzd.test.
  • 🚫 : Restricted Asset — Cannot be used to pay for “restricted” Line Items  API .
  • 💸 : Supports Quick Pay — Can be used to quick pay a Payment Request  API .
  • 💼 : Requires Tax NumberTax Number  API  must exist on the Merchant’s Business to transact this asset type.